Key Concepts

Media Key Concepts
Codes and Conventions
Codes and Conventions:
Media codes creating different meanings and are divided into two categories – technical and symbolic.
Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, for example the camera work in a film. Example s of technical codes are:
Camera work: Camerawork refers to how the camera is operated, positioned and moved for specific effects. Aspects of camerawork include: Positioning, Movement, Framing, Exposure,
Lens choice.
Editing: Editing is the process of choosing, manipulating and arranging images and sound. Editing is generally done for four different reasons: Graphic edits,Rhythmic edits,Spacial edits,Temporal edits.
Audio: Audio is the expressive or naturalistic use of sound. Audio can be diegetic or non diegetic. The three aspects of audio are: dialogue,sound effects, music.
Lighting: Lighting is the manipulation of natural or artificial light to selectively highlight specific elements of the scene. Elements of lighting include: Quality,Direction,Source,Colour.
Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. For example, a character's actions show you how the character is feeling.Some codes fit both categories – For example Music is both technical and symbolic. Other examples that fit into the symbolic category are:
Setting: Setting is the time and place of the narrative. When discussing setting, you can describe the setting of the whole story or just a specific scene. A setting can be as big as the outback or space, or as small as a specific room. Setting can even be a created atmosphere or frame of mind.
Image result for codes and conventions in mediaMise en scene: Mise en scene is a French term that means ‘everything within the frame’. In media terms it has become to mean the description of all the objects within a frame of the media product and how they have been arranged which include Set Designs, Costumes, props and Staging & Composition.
Colour: Colour has highly cultural and strong connotations. When studying the use of colour in a media product the different aspects to be looking at are: Dominant colour, Contrasting foils, Colour symbolism
Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. There are general conventions in any medium, such as the use of interviewee quotes in a print article, but conventions are also genre specific.

Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre – it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.
For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and back lighting is used to create mystery and suspense – an integral part of any horror movie.

Media Industries/Institutions
 A Media Institution is an established and regulated organisation that owns, and produces many different media products, systems, and texts.
Media institutions tend to be large global corporations such as broadcasting companies, newspaper and magazine publishers, film production companies, music and publishing companies, and some governments. Media production is a market place where media products are bought and sold. Some products are more successful than others, and make money for everyone involved including the institution.

Some institutions may seek to have some influence over their products, and use them to gain political favours. Totalitarian governments always take over television and radio stations as a way of controlling the flow of information to people.

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Media industries categorise audiences so they are easily targeted. These categories include age, gender and class. Generally audiences are defined through their demographic profile or their psychographic profile.Audiences have a complex relationship with the products they consume. Media producers intend audiences to read their product in a certain way, but in actual fact everyone 'reads' and enjoys a product differently due to the individual's background and lifestyle.Media audiences may be consuming different types of media at any one time (such as listening to an iPod, watching TV, chatting on the Internet) and be engaging at different levels – for example, the television may be turned on whilst a family has dinner.
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Representation is how media texts deal with and portray particular groups such as gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience.Media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge and understanding about these important topics.
This makes them very powerful in terms of influencing ideas and attitudes.

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Media Language
Media Language:
 Media Language means the way in which a text is constructed to create meaning for a reader or viewer of the text. All media texts are constructed; someone has made decisions about how they should be constructed so that the form matches the content and with a particular audience in mind. The description offdeconstructing a text is generally used in relation to a particular way of reading a text, called semiotics.
Semiotics: how meaning is constructed through language and codes. There is the signifier which is what we see, the form the sign takes. Then there is the signified which is an idea we associate with the signifier, the concept it represents.
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A genre can be recognised by its common set of distinguishing features. These features associated with a genre's style and content may be, for example, a particular setting, character types, technical codes (lighting or music). You may also find that some media texts blur genre boundaries.
Audiences recognise these features and therefore expect certain things. For example, at the end of a romantic comedy film the two lead characters will realise they are in love. Audiences may even select a text on the basis of its genre.
Producers market texts according to genre because a niche audience has already been identified as taking pleasure in that type of text.
However, a genre is not static – it changes all the time – resulting in hybrid (or sub-) genres and changing codes and conventions. There is also a relationship between genres and the societies in which they are created.
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Narrative is the way the different elements in a story are organised to make a meaningful story. Some of these elements can be facts as in a documentary, or characters and action as in a drama.Conventions used to tell the story are dependant on the medium. In film, for example, the condensing of time is important and may be shown through production techniques such as camera fades. Whereas in a magazine article narrative conventions include production techniques such as layout and writing, and style is very important.
A study of narrative is dependant on an understanding of close reading techniques. Understanding of narrative is helpful across a range of achievement standards.
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